فتيات النحل والمدارس الحقلية والذهب الأخضر.. مبادرات غير مسبوقة لتحسين حياة سكان الريفأعلن برنامج المنح الصغيرة، التابع لمرفق البيئة...
About us
The primary objective of the Small Grants Programme (SGP) is to assist in securing global environmental benefits in the areas of biodiversity, climate change and international waters. The Programme is funded by the Global Environmental Facility (GEF) and is implemented by UNDP. The GEF/SGP aims to protect the environment by funding projects that use community based approaches to conservation and sustainable natural resource use while generating local benefits. Participation, democracy, flexibility and transparency are cornerstones of the SGP approach. The programme encourages and supports the participation of communities, local people, NGOs and other stakeholder in: Formulating country programme strategies. Developing, presenting, and executing project concept papers and proposals. Building partnerships to broaden the scope of the programme and to communicate and replicate successful SGP initiatives. Raising public awareness concerning global environmental issues, thus changing public attitudes and practices. Influencing government environmental policies and programmes. Mobilizing in-kind and monetary resources to support project and programme sustainability. SGP recognizes that the life-threatening challenges we face are the: Destruction of ecosystems and the species that depend upon them. Increasing levels of carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gases in our atmosphere. Pollution of international waters. Poor people are the most vulnerable segment of the population. Often they live in fragile ecosystems and depend on access to natural resources for their livelihoods. The programme operates on the premise that people will be empowered to protect their environment when they are organized. SGP however, is more than simply a fund that provides small grants to improve the local environment. By raising public awareness, building partnerships and promoting policy dialogue, SGP seeks to foster an enabling environment for achieving sustainable development and addressing global environmental issues. GEF-SGP in Egypt has funded activities that support community-level action in the following focal areas: biodiversity, climate change and international waters. Recently, land degradation and persistent organic pollutants (POPS) have been added. The following report is an independent assessment of the impact and relevance of GEF/SGP supported projects in Egypt. It seeks to guide, monitor and document lessons learned based on an assessment of the Programme as well as project achievements.
GEF/ SGP and 29-year march in Egypt Small Grants Program (GEF/SGP) in Egypt finances environmental and development projects implemented by civil society institutions recognized by the Ministry of Social Solidarity, from 1992, through a pilot phase and 6 practical phases. The program succeeded in implementing about 355 projects, with financing packages exceeding $9 million. The seventh practical phase is expected to be launched during the current year, which It extends for four years until 2024. How does (GEF/ SGP) work in Egypt? The Small Grants Pro...
The primary objective of the GEF-SGP is to assist in securing global environment benefits in the areas of biodiversity, climate change, and international waters through community-based approaches that also generate local benefits. The GEF-SGP aims to protect the global environment by funding community conservation and sustainable natural resource use projects. Since different local and national conditions require different kinds of interventions, project components may include one or more of the following: demonstration, capacity building, targeted research, policy dialogue and information dissemination, and raising awareness among critical constituencies. ...
The direct beneficiaries of GEF-SGP, Egypt are the Non-Profit Organizations whose capacities to serve their communities and protect the environment are built and developed through learning by doing. In implementing these projects, the NGOs have generated job opportunities to the young local population. By generating job opportunities for these youngsters, the projects have contributed to community development, probably initiated economic growth in certain cases, but definitely have regenerated the environment and protected natural resources from exploitive use and pollution.
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