Solar energy in agri...

Project Details.

Solar energy in agriculture to tackle climate change in Luxor

Grantee: Nile Royal Association for Development and social Services
Start Date: 7/2019
End Date: 12/2021

To promote the use of solar powered irrigation systems in irrigation, in order to support cost-effective and sustainable agriculture practices.

  • Installation of 10 solar power stations with a total capacity of 305 hp covering an area ranging between 100 and 120 feddans, which were installed during the first year of the project.
  • Training 50 young people on installing and maintaining solar power plants, to create new jobs and improve the level of income.
  • Training of 70 beneficiaries of young farmers who have acquired the basic skills and knowledge necessary to carry out simple maintenance of solar power plants.
  • Increasing the awareness of 250 farmers who are members of agricultural associations in Luxor Governorate about the environmental risks, the impact of climate change on agriculture, and the importance of using alternative energy.
  • Reducing the use of diesel as fuel for irrigation machines by about 630 liters per day, for 7 hours per day, at a rate of 90 liters per hour.
  • Reducing carbon dioxide emissions from fossil fuels, as a direct result of using solar energy to generate electricity.

The village of Rizeigat Bahri in the center of Armant, the village of Al-Habil in the center of Al-Bayadia

Directorate of Agriculture, Agricultural Bank of Egypt, National Bank of Egypt, Luxor Governorate
Beneficiaries: 320 direct beneficiaries of solar power plants, and hundreds of indirect beneficiaries of training courses and awareness campaigns

  • State:


  • Areas of Work:

    Climate Change